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Explaining Frostbitten Feet Treatment

Frostbitten Feet? Your Treatment Options 

Now that the cold weather has settled in, the risk of frostbite injuries increases exponentially. If you are experiencing frostbitten feet, here are some treatment options that you can pursue with the aid of a podiatrist. 

Where Does Frostbite Happen? 

Frostbite most commonly occurs in the extremities, including your feet. It can also affect your fingers and face. 

Symptoms of Frostbite in Feet 

As stated by the Mayo Clinic, these are the common symptoms of frostbite: 

Initial Symptoms 

As frostbite is a progressive injury, symptoms can change over time. Some of the first symptoms you might notice are cold skin and a prickling feeling in the affected part of your body. If you have been recently exposed to cold temperatures and these feelings persist, you should contact a doctor immediately. 


Cold temperatures can numb the body. If your foot is frostbitten, it can sustain a feeling of numbness for a prolonged period of time. 

Discolored Skin 

Depending on the frostbite’s severity and your skin tone, a noticeable discoloration can vary in hue. It can range from any of the following shades: 

  • Red 
  • White
  • Yellow
  • Purple
  • Brown 
  • Ashen
  • Blue 

If you notice any of these colors on your skin after long-term exposure to extreme cold, be sure to contact a doctor or visit an emergency room immediately for treatment. 

Change in Skin Appearance or Texture

The texture of the skin around the frostbitten area can assume a hard or waxy appearance. This indicates that the skin has been altered by the temperatures and could be a warning sign of further frostbite symptoms. 

Mechanical Difficulties

Are you noticing a feeling of clumsiness or difficulty maintaining balance? This could be due to the stiffness that frostbite can cause in your joints and muscles. 


After rewarming your skin, some severe cases of frostbite can produce blistering. While blisters are more commonly associated with heat, this should be taken as a serious warning sign if you have recently warmed back up after being exposed to the cold. 

Types of Frostbite 

There are four stages of frostbite. From least to most severe, these include no frostbite, frostnip, superficial frostbite, and deep frostbite. Worse varieties of frostbite will progressively affect deeper layers of skin as a result of the condition. 

Treatment for Frostbitten Feet 

Depending on the severity, treatment options for frostbitten feet can vary. These include: 


In more mild cases of frostbite, a simple rewarming of the skin might prove effective. This involves soaking your injured foot in warm water for a period of time. 


Your doctor might prescribe you medication like painkillers, antibiotics, or an anti-clotting treatment to protect your body against further injury and discomfort. The proper course of medication will be determined during examination and diagnosis. 


To help your injured foot heal, your doctor might decide to bandage your foot or wrap it in a loose dressing to protect it against further injury. The method of bandaging will change depending on how severe your frostbite is. 


Depending on your condition, your doctor might recommend a therapeutic treatment to aid in recovery. This often includes treatments like whirlpools or physical therapy if some mobility has been affected by the frostbite. 


If tissue on the foot has died or decayed past saving, your doctor might insist on surgical intervention. This could include a targeted removal of the dead tissue around the frostbitten area or complete amputation of the foot if not enough of the foot can be salvaged. 

How to Prevent Frostbitten Feet

The primary way to prevent frostbite is to protect your extremities from extreme cold temperatures. Some simple ways to do this are: 

  • Wear comfortable layers of winter-appropriate clothing
  • Do not leave any openings around your boot or shoe where water or snow can become trapped
  • If your clothes are wet, change immediately into dry ones
  • Stay hydrated and avoid alcohol 
  • Act quickly if you notice any symptoms of frostbite developing 

Great Treatment for Frostbitten Feet in Eastern Maryland 

As the winter trends downward, it is important to recognize these symptoms of frostbite. If you are noticing these signs on your own feet, contact our team of expert podiatrists today to discuss treatment options. If caught early, more effective treatment and recovery can be made possible. 

Broken Toenail Treatment Options Explained

Enjoy Healthy Recovery from Broken Toenails 

A broken toenail can feel painful and make walking difficult. If this happens to you, you should seek treatment as soon as possible to support healthy healing. 

Today, we are going to provide a comprehensive overview of treatments for broken toenails. If you are experiencing this condition, please make an appointment with a podiatrist as soon as possible. 

How Do You Know if Your Toenail is Actually Broken? 

At a glance, your toenail might seem broken when it is actually still intact. Sometimes the nail is damaged but not completely detached or in need of removal.

Signs of toenail trauma that likely require medical treatment can include: 

  • Bleeding 
  • Swelling, redness, and/or throbbing over multiple days 
  • Intense and/or persistent pain
  • Splitting, tearing, or cracking in the nail 
  • Separation between the nail and nailbed
  • A dark reddish or purplish spot underneath the nail 
  • Abnormal coloration 
  • Thickened nail, partial or whole 

If the toenail has become infected, a person may also notice the presence of pus or experience a fever. If you notice these additional symptoms, seek medical treatment immediately. The infection might require antibiotics or other intervention. 

If the Toenail Requires Removal 

Should it be necessary, a podiatrist can remove the nail while preventing further damage to the toe. If part of the nail can be preserved, the podiatrist can trim the parts that are broken while leaving the healthy portion intact.  Attempting an at-home nail removal is not recommended, as it could result in further injury and increase the risk of infection. 

Treatment Options for Borken Toenails 


As mentioned above, a podiatrist can sometimes trim around the injury to the nail rather than remove it. A partial toenail will grow back in less time than one that was stripped from the nailbed completely. 

Complete Nail Removal 

Severe injuries might require complete nail removal so that a new one can grow in its place. Podiatrists can determine this during an examination and use specialized equipment to extract the nail without causing further damage to the foot. 

Artificial Nails 

Artificial nails mimic the function of your natural toenail. A podiatrist may decide to apply one to your nailbed to keep it covered while the toenail regrows. 

In some cases, artificial nails can become detached from the toe before the appropriate time. If this happens, contact your doctor and let them know that this happened, and make an appointment to receive a new one. 

Keeping the Area Clean 

Once the nail has been trimmed or removed, your podiatrist will recommend an aftercare plan. This will usually involve keeping the wounded area clean. In most cases, the easiest way to do this is by soaking the toe in a cleaning solution for a recommended period of time. 

Changing Bandages Regularly 

Frequently changing the bandages on your toe is essential for healthy recovery. Some times of day where you might want to do this can include: 

  • Before starting your day in the morning
  • After soaking your toe 
  • After bathing or showering 
  • After getting home from work or a long outing
  • Before going to bed 

Before covering your toe with a new bandage, inspect the toe for any signs of infection like redness, pus, or swelling. Be sure to also apply an antibiotic ointment or petroleum jelly to the wounded area beforehand. 

Wearing Comfortable Shoes 

While your nail is healing, do not wear tight shoes or ones that place pressure on the affected toe. Instead, wear comfortable, closed-toed shoes when leaving home to protect your feet during the recovery process. At home, you can continue to cover your feet or leave them bare. 

Taking Antibiotics for Infections

If your toe becomes infected, a doctor might prescribe a course of antibiotics to treat it. Be sure to remain consistent with taking them to prevent the infection from worsening. You can obtain a prescription either through your podiatrist, general practitioner, or walk-in clinic. 

Get Treatment for Broken Toenails in Maryland 

The Thomas Podiatry & Associates team is proud to be the Delmarva Peninsula’s leading foot care specialists. With multiple locations throughout Eastern Maryland, we can help you treat your broken toenail and create an action plan to support healthy recovery. To see one of our podiatrists, request an appointment online today

Toenail Fungus: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment

Identify Toenail Fungus Early to Get it Treated Sooner

Toenail fungus is a common ailment that many Americans experience each year. Fungal nail infections often start as white or yellow spots beneath your toenail, and if left untreated, can lead to nail discoloration, as well as thickened or crumbly nails, which can be painful. Even when treatment is successful, nail fungus often returns. Fortunately, by knowing the symptoms and being aware of prevention best practices, you can seek treatment quickly and easily and reduce the chances of reinfection.


According to the Mayo Clinic, many symptoms could indicate whether you have toenail fungus: 

Thickened Nails

If your nails feel thicker than usual, this may be a sign of fungal infection. Compare your thicker nail to the identical nail on your other foot. If there is a notable difference, you should make an appointment with a podiatrist for an examination.

Discolored Nails

Fungal infections can also cause nail discoloration. You’ll often notice a whitish or yellowish-brown shade, which is a telltale sign that something in your toe needs treatment. 

Brittle Nails

Brittle nails can crumble or have an unusual or ragged texture, which can cause uneven nail growth and pits in the nails. If you notice signs of brittle, crumbly, or ragged nails, it is essential to make an appointment to have your toes checked by a professional. 

Distorted Shape

Infections may affect your nail’s ability to grow evenly and healthily. Brittle nails may also cause pieces to break off, creating an unusual shape. If your nail has an unusual shape and you do not remember chipping it, this may indicate an infection.

Foul Smell

A fungal infection can cause the toe to produce pus or create a foul odor on its own. If you notice an unusual smell, you should consider calling a podiatrist immediately. 

Preventing Fungal Infections

By actively engaging in healthy foot care habits, you can prevent nail fungus, reinfections, and athlete’s foot, all of which can lead to the growth of nail fungus. Here are a few preventative habits that you can implement into your daily routine: 

Wash Your Feet Regularly
Wash your feet regularly, especially if you wear open-toed footwear or have exposed your feet to untreated water. After washing your toes, you can also moisturize them to keep them soft and healthy. After touching an infected nail, you should always wash your hands. 

Wear Flip Flops in Showers

Avoid taking showers in public facilities such as gyms or hotel rooms without wearing sandals or flip-flops. Otherwise, you run the risk of developing an infection. Additionally, always wear footwear while in locker rooms or pool areas. 

Treat All Nail Injuries

Seek treatment for all nail injuries, even if minor. When caring for your nails, trim them straight across and smooth the edges using a file to avoid causing further damage. 

Monitor Your Feet Closely

If you have diabetes, make it a habit to monitor your feet closely and notify your doctor of any sudden changes to your toenails. 


Fungal toenail infections can be challenging to treat. Your treatment will depend on the severity of your condition and the type of fungus behind the infection. There are several self-care strategies and over-the-counter products that may help, including: 

Antifungal Drugs

Oral antifungal drugs are usually the first option for treating any infection because they work more quickly than topical drugs. Your podiatrist might prescribe you an oral antifungal medication to help a new, healthy, and clean nail slowly replace the infected part of your toe.

Topical Cream

Over-the-counter antifungal nail cream is another treatment option, which you rub into your infected nail(s) after soaking your foot. If a non-prescription cream doesn’t work, your doctor can prescribe you a stronger version. 

Nail Removal

Some fungal toenail infections don’t respond to medicines. If other treatment options fail to heal an infected toenail, your doctor may need to perform a nail removal. By following post-removal care instructions carefully, you can ensure a healthier nail regrowth. 

Get Treatment for Nail Fungus in Maryland

Getting nail fungus treated as soon as you notice symptoms is imperative for keeping your feet healthy and intact. Before arriving at your appointment, it’s a good idea to prepare by listing your symptoms, making a list of all the medications you are taking, and thinking ahead about any questions you may want to ask your podiatrist. 


If you need nail fungus treatment in the Salisbury, MD area, contact us any time to make an appointment with our caring and dedicated staff.



Diabetic Foot Wound Treatment Options

Diabetes can cause damage to the nerves in your feet, which results in a condition called diabetic neuropathy. According to the NIDDK, this lack of sensation can reduce your body’s ability to perceive pain in the feet, which would otherwise be a warning of a more severe condition. If the infection does not heal, it could worsen and develop into gangrene, which can result in a complete amputation of the foot.

If severe enough, Nerve damage may also change the fundamental structure, functionality, and appearance of your foot, which can lead to a condition called Charcot’s foot, which can damage your joints and soft tissue. Since many diabetic patients may not feel any pain in their feet, it is imperative to be mindful of your health. Here are some great ways to care for a diabetic foot wound. 

Move Your Feet Frequently

Walking as often as possible encourages healthy blood flow to your feet, which can help your body fight the infection and heal. Activities that do not put much pressure on your feet, such as walking, dancing, swimming, cycling, or yoga, are all great ways to improve your circulation. You can also put your feet up while sitting or wiggle your toes throughout the day to encourage a healthy blood flow. 

Always Wear Protective Footwear

Wearing protective footwear at all times – even when you’re indoors – is essential for healing a diabetic foot wound because it helps prevent further injury to your foot when your pain receptors are impaired. Athletic shoes with properly fitting socks can help prevent blisters and sores. When buying shoes, avoid materials like plastic or vinyl and ensure that you have enough room for your toes. Wearing protective footwear while you are outside can prevent you from inadvertently burning the bottoms of your feet on hot pavement or sand. 

Check for Any Warning Signs

Checking your feet daily for warning signs of a foot wound can help you catch problems before they worsen. An excellent way to get into this habit is to perform a check in the evening when you take your shoes off for the night. Here are some of the most common problems to look for: 

  • Cuts, sores, ulcers, or discoloration
  • Blemishes such as abscesses, blisters, warts, etc.
  • Nail injuries such as ingrown nails and pus around the nail base.
  • Fungal infections such as athlete’s foot
  • Stark temperature differences in various parts of the foot
  • If you notice any of these symptoms, contact a podiatrist immediately

Clean Your Feet Regularly

Cleaning your feet daily not only helps prevent infection but is a great way to feel refreshed at the end of a long day. After washing your feet with warm water, dry them thoroughly and apply talcum powder or cornstarch, including in between your toes. If you have corns or calluses, avoid treating them aggressively, as such an injury can lead to the development of an ulcer. It is also important to avoid soaking your feet in hot water, as doing so can cause them to dry out. 

Don’t Cut Your Toenails Too Short or Deep into the Nail Base

Cutting your toenails keeps them from cutting and growing into your skin, but did you know that cutting too short or deep into the nail base can result in ingrown toenails? Trimming your toenails as needed after washing your feet is a vital habit for preventing foot wounds. Avoid cutting into the corners of your nail – instead, trim them straight across and then smooth each one out with a nail file. If you cannot see, reach, or feel your feet or otherwise have thick, yellow, or curved nails, you can have your foot doctor assist you. 

Get Diabetic Foot Treatment In Maryland

While foot problems are common in people with diabetes, you can reduce your chances of developing any issues by regularly caring for your feet. In addition to moving your feet frequently, wearing protective footwear, and regularly maintaining your feet, you can work with your health care team to create a customized plan to help you manage your condition. 

If you are currently struggling to care for a diabetic foot found, suspect that you have an infection, or have a callus with dried blood in it, contact Thomas Podiatry Associates today to schedule an appointment with our gentle and caring team. We look forward to helping you heal! 



What are Some Nonsurgical Options for Plantar Fasciitis?

Reviewing Your Noninvasive Options for Pain Relief

Our feet already endure daily wear and tear while performing daily activities such as walking, running, and jumping. It should come as no surprise that some people may develop plantar fasciitis, which occurs when the plantar fascia ligament in your foot becomes inflamed and causes sharp, stabbing heel pains. While most cases resolve within a year with or without treatment, there are a few nonsurgical treatment options that you can use to relieve the pain.


Stretching is an essential part of any plantar fasciitis treatment. Tight muscles in your calves and foot arches can make symptoms worse, but you can soothe or prevent the pain by performing a few easy lower body stretches. Calf stretches target the gastrocnemius muscle, which is located on the back portion of your lower leg, and arch stretches stretch the middle of your foot.

You can stretch your calves by standing an arm’s length from a wall, placing your right foot behind your left, and then slowly and gently bend your left leg forward. As you lean forward, keep your right knee steady and your right heel planted firmly on the ground. Hold the stretched position for at least 15 seconds and release before reversing the position of your legs. Repeat each side three times.

To stretch your arches, you can perform a few seated stretching exercises. One easy movement is to roll your foot back and forth over a foam roller or frozen beverage bottle for one minute per foot before crossing one leg over the other and grabbing your big toe, gently putting it toward you for 30 seconds. Repeat three times per foot.

Alternatively, you can place a resistance band or folded towel under both of your arches and gently pull the tops of your feet toward you, holding for 15 to 30 seconds for three repetitions.

Pain Relief Medication

In addition to techniques such as ice massages, over-the-counter pain relievers are one option for reducing pain and discomfort caused by plantar fasciitis. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, aspirin, or acetaminophen are all popular options for controlling the pain.

Alternatively, if your symptoms are severe enough to impact your quality of life, you may consider corticosteroid injections in the tissues near your heel bone, which can provide rapid pain relief that may last for weeks. For long-term pain relief, botulinum toxin injections can relieve pain for months. It is important to note that though corticosteroid injections can interfere with the healing process, botulinum toxin injections do not.

Physical Therapy

Research shows that customized physical therapy programs can be a highly effective treatment option for plantar fasciitis. Treatment can include ice applications and strengthening exercises that can improve walking and significantly reduce pain. Heel raises, ankle inversions, and plantar fascia stretches are examples of standard physical therapy exercises that you can do at home and in therapy.

Night Splints

Night splints stretch your calves and foot arches while you’re sleeping, which can help lower heel pain first thing in the morning. Additionally, taping  your foot can support your arch, reduce strain, and correct overpronation throughout your day.

Orthotic Shoe Inserts

Orthotic shoe inserts can help restore natural gait with arch support and heel cups. Inserts also help distribute pressure evenly when you are walking or running, reducing the stress on your plantar fascia.

Compression Socks

Compression socks are one effective option for treating plantar fasciitis, which puts mild to moderate pressure on your heel and provides arch support. Compression socks are available in multiple styles, including ankle or knee-highs, which can also compress your calves, as well as numerous uses. For instance, certain brands are better suited for athletic activity, while others are more viable for long periods of standing.

Supportive Footwear

Patients with plantar fasciitis often require supportive footwear for achieving maximum comfort during physical activity. While there is no “one-size-fits-all” solution when it comes to footwear, there are many options available to choose from in running shoes, walking shoes, hiking shoes, and sandals.

Losing Weight

Obesity or excess body weight is a considerable risk factor in developing plantar fasciitis due to the added stress that extra weight puts on your plantar fascia. Losing weight can not only reduce any pressure on your feet but can also make you feel better about yourself all around.

For most cases, the standard treatment for plantar fasciitis is plenty of rest, stretching, pain relief medications, ice massages, orthotics, and low-impact exercises for strengthening your muscles and maintaining your weight. Chronic and deliberating cases may require more extensive nonsurgical treatment options, such as injections or regenerative medicine.

Get Plantar Fasciitis Treatment in Maryland 

If you are in Maryland looking for Plantar Fasciitis treatment, make an appointment with us today.

How Treat Sunburn Blisters on Feet

Summertime has arrived, and with that comes many days spent outdoors. Whether at the shore, in your backyard, or walking with open-toed shoes, you can be exposing your feet to harmful rays. If burned severely, this can result in sensitive blisters on your feet. 

Fortunately, sunburn blisters can be prevented and treated. Here are some ways that you can do this on your own. 

Prevent Sunburn on Your Feet with Sunscreen 

Feet are a commonly overlooked body part when applying sunscreen. We all know to cover our faces, upper bodies, and legs when we’re outdoors. However, our feet are often covered by shoes or sandals and we may forget to protect them, too! 

Be sure to apply sunscreen to the tops of your feet when you are covering the rest of your body. The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) recommends that you apply sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30, which will protect against over 90 percent of harmful sunrays. 

Wear Closed-Toed Shoes as Much as Possible 

Covering your skin will prove the most effective way to prevent sun damage. Though we all love a great pair of sandals or flip-flops in warm weather, wear closed-toed shoes as much as you are able to. This will prevent the sun rays from ever making contact with your skin.

Too hot for sneakers and socks? Consider a pair of shoes designed for wearing with bare feet. For example, leather boat shoes are a popular choice in the summertime for those who prefer to go sock-free. 

Treatments for Sunburn Blisters on Your Feet

Should you develop sunburn blisters on your feet, don’t panic. There are a number of treatments you can perform at home to help your foot heal, such as: 

Staying Hydrated 

When you experience sunburn blisters, your body will draw fluids to the affected area and away from other areas. Drinking water will help your entire body stay hydrated and support the healing process. 

Avoid Popping Blisters

Blisters are the body’s natural way of protecting and healing a sunburned area. If you pop the blister, you can expose raw and injured skin to bacteria and increase your chances of infection. 

Sometimes, however, blisters will break on their own. This applies especially to parts of the body that experience a great deal of physical activity like your feet. If this happens, be sure to cover the sunburned part of your foot with antibiotic ointment and an adhesive bandage. 

Topical Treatments 

Apply a light moisturizer to your skin after bathing or showering. If the sunburn has resulted in blisters, avoid applying too much pressure to these parts of your feet as you moisturize them. 

If your sunburn proves too severe for simple lotions, consult with your doctor about a more effective solution. They might recommend an over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream or prescribe you a medicated ointment to provide extra support. 

Common Pain Medication 

If you find that your sunburn blisters are still too painful, the AAD advises a pain medication like aspirin or ibuprofen. This will aid in managing inflammation and pain levels as you recover. 

Cool Down 

If you need to relieve the pain from the sunburn blisters, you can bathe your foot in cold water or gently apply a cool compress. This will help relieve pain and any tenderness from inflammation or swelling at the site. 

Nothing Seems to Work for Sunburn Blisters? Contact Your Podiatrist 

If you have tried any of the above methods for treating sunburn on your feet, but nothing seems to work, you should contact your local podiatrist. This could indicate a possible infection or the need for stronger solutions. 

Are you local to Maryland’s Eastern Shore? If so, we are here to help with any foot care needs, sunburn blisters and beyond. Contact us anytime to make an appointment. 


Diabetic Foot Care Helps Patients Live a Higher Quality of Life

Diabetic Foot Care Helps Patients Live a Higher Quality of Life

Diabetic foot care can prove a valuable treatment for people living with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes and struggling with conditions like neuropathy or low blood flow. Nerve damage in the foot and lack of adequate blood supply can both lead to infections and worse complications. 

If you are experiencing a diabetic condition that impacts the feeling or functionality of your feet, you should consult with a podiatrist. The doctor can examine your specific case, develop prevention and treatment strategies, and provide regular checkups. 

What is Diabetes? General Information 

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) diabetes is a medical condition where the body is unable to properly process food as a source of energy. This condition occurs when one’s pancreas either cannot or does not produce enough of the hormone insulin which normally helps the body’s cells manage glucose. 

When glucose or “sugar” levels are too high, this can result in a variety of conditions including: 

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Blindness
  • Kidney failure
  • Risk of lower-body amputations

In some cases, diabetes can also cause death. It is one of the highest leading causes in the United States. The condition is most prevalent among Black Americans who are 1.7 times more likely to develop some type of Diabetes compared to non-Hispanic whites. 

Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

There are two varieties of diabetes: Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 is an insulin-dependent condition that usually appears in childbirth, while Type 2 is non-insulin-dependent and typically develops in adulthood. 

Diabetes Symptoms

The CDC outlines the following as diabetes symptoms: 

  • Urinating frequently
  • Excessive thirst
  • Unexplainable weight loss
  • Extreme levels of hunger
  • Sudden changes in vision
  • Sensations of tingling or numbness in hands or feet
  • Chronic fatigue or tiredness
  • Extraordinarily dry skin 
  • Sores that heal slower than usual
  • More infections than usual 

Treatment for Diabetes

The Mayo Clinic states these are the following treatment methods for various diabetic conditions: 

For All Diabetic Conditions

  • Healthy Diet – Focus on fresh produce, lean proteins, and whole grains that are high in nutrition and fiber. Limit sugar intake and factor it into part of your meal plan. You may also want to consult a dietician for help developing a diabetic-controlled meal plan. 
  • Physical Exercise – Engage in regular physical exercise. Consult with your doctor before beginning any workout regimen. 

Treatments for Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

The Mayo Clinic states these are the following treatment options available for Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes: 

  • Checking and recording blood sugar levels
  • Insulin therapy – necessary for Type 1 patients, not always required for Type 2 
  • Medication 
  • Pancreas transplant (in some Type 1 cases only) 
  • Bariatric surgery (for some Type 2 patients who struggle with obesity) 

How Does Diabetes Affect My Foot? 

According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, diabetes can affect the foot in the following ways: 


Diabetes can cause damage to the nerves in your foot and result in a condition called diabetic neuropathy. Symptoms can include tingling, pain, or a complete loss of feeling. 

If you cannot feel pain in your foot, you may not notice a severe cut or another injury that can lead to infection. Treatment for neuropathy includes managing the overall symptoms of one’s diabetic condition through lifestyle habits and/or medication to prevent instances of neuropathy from occurring or continuing. 

Low Blood Flow 

When the foot is receiving an insufficient amount of blood flow, this can complicate healing from any cuts or wounds. If unable to heal, this can lead to infection and potentially gangrene. 


Gangrene occurs when an infected wound is unable to heal. Though there are treatments for the condition, they are not always successful in severe cases. 

For cases where treatment proves insufficient, partial amputation of the foot, the total foot, or part of the leg remain the last available options. To prevent this, it is important to manage your diabetes properly and consult a podiatrist immediately if you experience any symptoms affecting your feet. 

Charcot’s Foot

Though rare, some patients with diabetes do develop the condition known as Charcot’s foot. According to the Institute for Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, Charcot’s foot begins with sensations of redness, warmth, and swelling which will eventually develop into bones shifting and breaking. This can result in a reshaped foot that can lead to further complications. 

Fortunately, there exist both nonsurgical and surgical treatments for Charcot’s foot. Your podiatrist can provide diabetic foot care for this condition by assessing your individual case and prescribing a treatment plan to help prevent further damage while you recover. 

Do You Need Diabetic Foot Care? Don’t Wait

Diabetes can present new and unpredictable challenges to patients at any stage in their treatment journey. If you suspect that you are experiencing a symptom that requires diabetic foot care, do not hesitate to contact your podiatrist for an evaluation. For more information, contact us any time to learn how we can help you prepare for and prevent diabetic foot conditions from impacting your quality of life.